Side Projects
In my spare time, I experiment with creative side projects. My day-to-day work is pretty strategic, while these projects are just about putting things out there. It's fun to see what comes back. 🚀
Recent / Ongoing
Can Kevin Touch His Toes?

A daily video series chronicling my journey to touch my toes.

The world’s most comprehensive, dedicated directory of Kevin Huynhs.
Common Camera Project

A social art project distributing hundreds of disposable cameras around the world. Funded on Kickstarter in 2010!
Made with Justin Singh, Luke Elmers, Sophia Richter, John Bister, Amy Young, Jeff Huynh. Featured in PetaPixel, Blurb, Snapixel, The Daily Californian
Completed / Paused
Ask Vin Anything

You ask, Vin Diesel answers.
Created with Yoko Sakao Ohama. Featured on Mashable, Product Hunt, KISS FM
Around the World in Kevinty Days

A video series documenting my three month backpacking trip to six continents. Here's what I packed and a guide to book a RTW plane ticket.
Morning Commute with No Face

No Face commutes to Soho.
Business Cards

Experiments in making the business card more useful.
Airport Shuffle

Having fun in airports: DEN, KIX
Healthy Dose of Imagination

A visual guide to a brighter future in healthcare. In partnership with Collaborative Fund and GE.
Teamed up with Karyn Campbell, Dan Leatherman, and John Bister. Featured in FastCompany, GigaOM.

A collection of stories about thousands of incredible teachers.
A collaboration with Sophia Richter, Yoko Sakao Ohamaa, Elena Sanina, John Bister and Nathan Kim. Featured on the Oprah blog, MTV, GOOD, Swissmiss.

A dance filmed in one take.
Shot and edited by Bas Berkhout.
Resolutions for Good

A campaign to dedicate your New Year’s Resolution to someone else.
Made with Sophia Richter, Yoko Sakao Ohama and John Bister. Featured on Swissmiss, Apartment Therapy
Our Future is TBD

A newsletter that featured one world-changing ieda and one way to take action each week.
Served as editor for a year alongside Sophia Richter. Featured in Brain Pickings.
Kevin Should

A website where you can make suggestions about what Kevin should do.
More Doodles

A smattering of doodles by a smattering of friends.
Made with Yoko Sakao Ohama.
Food for Stuff

A record of my experience trading belongings for food and conversations in preparation for my move to New York.
Create Every Day

A daily challenge where I created something every day for 225 days.

A weekly creative challenge where people made something based on a one word prompt. Played by 150 people for 15 weeks.
Lonely Meatball

The trials and tribulations of a lonely meatball in a big, scary world.
Created with Luke Elmers and Sean Stewart.

My first entrepreneurial experience—designed and auctioned off in-game items for a virtual world. Over 3,000 sales of 70 different buggies, hoverboards and other products. Had a fan club!